Seborrheic Dermatitis
This is a skin condition in which the skin becomes red and inflamed, and becomes covered with small yellowish scales.
It is usually seen on the eyebrows, the sides of the nose, behind the ears, and on the eyelids and can spread to other areas such as the chest, and skin folds.
Although there is no definitive cause of Seborrhoeic dermatitis, it is commonly believed to be a result of an increased production in the amount of yeast that lives on normal skin. Although it is not caused by greasy skin, keeping the skin oil-free may deprive the yeast of their food source and help with controlling the symptoms.
It occurs most commonly in infants to age 12 months, in adults between the ages of 18-40, and more often in men than women.
Long term treatment may be required as the condition recurs at intervals, and currently there is no cure.
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