
Acne is a chronic disorder characterized by excess production of oil from sebaceous glands causing the hair follicles to become plugged. Pimples, papules, pustules comedone cysts (black heads and white heads), infected abscesses, and sometimes scarring require treatment in acne.

Acne is chronic because it can last for many years, beyond the end of puberty and into adult years. Although there are three types of follicles on the human body, acne occurs in the type of follicle that is the most common on the face, neck, chest and back.

There are three common predictors of acne:

  • Abnormal cell turnover - excessive development and retention of cells in the follicle.
  • Weaker follicular walls
  • Abnormal oil gland production
Although there is no cure for this disorder, the goal of treatment is to control the symptoms and prevent scarring. Contrary to popular belief, diet does not affect the severity of acne, nor is it due to a lack of cleanliness.

The dermatologists at the Skin Care Centre are specialists in choosing the most appropriate medication to treat your acne and control outbreaks in the long term.

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