Patients are referred to this clinic for melanoma screening and the assessment and management of complicated pigmented lesions.
Pigmented Birthmarks
The Skin Care Centre has developed procedures for treating certain pigmented birthmarks. The removal process begins with a consultation with one of our board-certified dermatologists. During your consultation, the doctor will assess your birthmark to identify the type of birthmark you have, your skin type and predictors of successful treatment.
Today, many birthmarks are removed using lasers. Earlier techniques such as dermabrasion, where the skin was sanded to remove both the surface and middle layers of skin, or excision where a doctor removed the birthmark with a scalpel and closed the wound with stitches, usually resulted in excessive scarring. Our laser treatments have proven successful in significantly reducing or eliminating many types of birthmarks.
Before and after pictures
Images will be posted shortly
Frequently asked questions – Pigmented Birthmarks
Can lasers treat all pigmented birthmarks?
- Not all birthmarks can be treated by laser but some can have excellent success.
We invite you to come in for a consultation. At that time we can examine the area in need of treatment and provide you with an honest assessment of outcome and likely success of treatment. Check with your family physician to see if this is something which he feels should be seem by a dermatologist, as he may refer you to our centre to discuss your birthmark. If he feels it is cosmetic you may call us at 604-875-4682 to arrange a consultation. The receptionist will discuss consultation fees with you at the time of your phone call.
How many treatments are needed?
- The number of treatments required varies for each person. This depends on the characteristics unique to each birthmark.
- Four to twelve treatments are the norm. Don't be surprised however, if removing a birthmark requires more.
- The process also requires a substantial time commitment, since you must allow at least 2 months between each treatment session.
How painful is the treatment?
- Pain is an individual experience affected by a variety of factors. Each laser impact on the skin has been described as "an elastic band slapping your skin". Many people require nothing during treatment, while others choose to put on a topical anesthetic (freezing cream), which must be applied on hour prior to treatment. We recommend that you have the nurse apply it the first time to ensure you understand how to use it correctly and are familiar with safety considerations.
How do the lasers eliminate a pigmented birthmark?
- Lasers work by producing short pulses of intense, pure, one color of light that passes through the top layers of the skin to be selectively absorbed by the birthmark's pigment.
- This laser energy causes the pigment to fragment microscopically. Some of the pigment comes off with the crust that forms after laser treatment; the body absorbs some of the pigment as it heals, and a small amount of pigment stays invisible in the tissue.
- The dermatologist determines which wavelength (color) of light to use, and how to best direct the laser's energy to treat a birthmark.
Is there an age limit for children to be treated by the laser?
- No, but you need to ask if this is something the child wants to do.
- Some children may find it daunting or painful, and therefore not be able to go through with the treatment. Treatment is available, under general anaesthetic, for children under 16.
Can I have treatment for age spots if I am pregnant?
- As with any laser procedure, there is no long-term data available to say that laser is harmful to the fetus, but we recommend waiting until after the birth of your child before any treatment.
Will there be any scarring?
- Scarring is uncommon with this procedure, but as with any skin treatment, there is a slight risk of side effects, most of which are reversible with time.
- Some skin types are more prone to side effects than others. This will be addressed during the consultation.
Will my medical plan cover the procedure?
- Children and adults with disfiguring facial birthmarks treatments are usually covered by MSP. This will be discussed and clarified at the time of your consultation.
To schedule a consultation please call us at 604-875-4682
Port Wine Stains
Simply put, a port wine stain is a network of abnormal blood vessels in varying shapes and sizes just under the skin's surface. The Skin Care Centre has developed treatment methods for port wine stains.
Port wine stain treatment begins with a consultation with one of our board-certified dermatologists. During this consultation, the doctor will assess the size and location of the port wine stain along with individual factors, such as colour and texture of your skin.
Today the majority of port wine stains are removed using lasers. Earlier techniques such as argon lasers, dermabrasion, where the skin was sanded to remove both the surface and middle layers of skin, and excision, where the port wine stains were removed with a scalpel and the wound closed with stitches, usually resulted in excessive scarring.
Before and After Pictures
Images will be posted shortly
Frequently asked questions – Port Wine Stains
How many treatments are required?
- The number of treatments required varies for each person and is related to the unique characteristics of the PWS. Since each case is unique, the number of treatment sessions will vary.
- Six to twelve treatments are the norm, although don't be surprised if removing your port wine stain requires more.
- The process requires a substantial time commitment, since you must allow 2 months between each treatment session. For people with MSP coverage and with a Port wines Stain on the face, treatment at the Lions Laser Skin Centre is a covered benefit.
- The average final degree of lightening once all the treatment sessions are completed is variable and ranges from 60 - 100%.
How painful is the treatment?
- Pain is an individual experience affected by a variety of factors.
- Each laser impact on the skin has been described as "an elastic band slapping your skin".
- Many people require nothing during treatment, while others choose to put on a topical anesthetic (freezing cream), which must be applied one hour prior to treatment. We recommend that you have the nurse apply it the first time to ensure you understand how to use it correctly.
How do the lasers eliminate a port wine stain?
- Lasers work by producing short pulses of intense, pure, one colour of light that pass through the top layers of the skin to be selectively absorbed by the blood's hemoglobin (red component.)
- This laser energy causes the blood vessel to be clotted, sealed off, and then destroyed and absorbed by the body.
- The Dermatologist will determine which laser settings to use for optimum treatment of your port wine stain.
Is there an age limit for children to be treated by the laser?
- No, but you need to ask if this is something the child wants to do.
- Some children may find it daunting or painful, and therefore not be able to go through with the treatment. Treatment is available, under general anaesthetic, for children under 16.
Can I have treatment if I am pregnant?
- There is no long-term data available that laser is harmful to the fetus, but we recommend waiting until after the birth of your child.
Will there be any scarring?
- Scarring is uncommon with this procedure.
- As with any skin treatment, there is a slight risk of side effects but most of these are reversible with time.
- Some skin types are more prone to side effects than others, and this will be addressed during the consultation.
Will my medical plan cover the procedure?
- For children and adults with disfiguring facial birthmarks treatments are usually covered by MSP. This will be discussed and clarified at the time of your consultation.